Respiratory system, T20000, N=943207

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
according to 1113 67.5262 0.629675046081292 0.0147778523491988
according to 295 66.7138 0.981363257764358 0.0067927693843237
according to 139 57.9290 -0.339084679667506 -0.0013643207659192
according to 801 62.9885 -0.0798851912949993 0.0050588592555692
accrued 102 59.9870 0.203318083775408 4.069065831722532e-05
accumulated 241 52.9292 -0.105410953018799 -0.0063133743051305
accumulation 7037 54.6412 -0.451353604003009 -0.0258511008173417
accumulation 2273 58.9797 -0.396203085787376 -0.0026051792202639
accurate 142 62.9859 0.0786294906903269 0.0021274647140656
acellular 3603 62.5435 0.0899357728622295 0.0091881932820534
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