Arteries of the head, neck and brain, T45000, N=37612

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
reduced 194 72.1549 -0.132705247657492 0.0078613219401521
regular 61 68.8083 -0.0334167925983317 -0.0083258025120356
regular 61 72.3320 -0.0867649869575747 0.005073481158371
regular 57 70.1382 0.0229561313517429 -0.0031594183061243
related 56 72.1637 -0.0603075660512965 0.0042477391439646
related 68 71.8514 0.690011824496546 0.0034274163353314
relationship 1227 73.5997 -0.0274692783759023 0.0450800252708537
relationship 671 69.1346 0.0616423741466973 -0.0236918206218445
relative 109 69.9637 -0.0742195749310684 -0.005259729154784
relatively 382 71.6248 -0.0371462883225111 0.0059925680337006
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