Rectum, T68000, N=465674

Choose coordinates:
Color by:
Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
close proximity 6457 65.1653 0.0942963620534286 0.0462355619147527
close to the tumor 244 67.3534 -0.0440151265039887 0.0116341963946659
closed 75 56.2492 -0.0673011799281888 -0.0011644032232179
closeness 678 49.9978 -0.186700092655897 -0.0163986046684365
closer 1718 59.0530 0.168643980241793 0.0036340742405789
closest 3273 67.4814 0.0669603398770365 0.0433312483530587
closest 5341 57.7877 -0.0214706547805428 -0.0009300113403728
clostridium 154 54.1177 0.18537420365038 -0.0037630066187845
clostridium difficile 74 57.2289 -0.0019008899972988 -0.0004894154657069
clot 755 60.8419 0.0838813786887081 0.0063010115599858
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