Arteries of the head, neck and brain, T45000, N=37612

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
obliquely 58 73.1558 -0.277952923006004 0.0080014515053868
obliterated 192 73.7068 -0.0231826368170107 0.0183083295106362
observed 172 71.4246 0.197642255665645 0.0027297047641248
occluded 297 73.2434 -0.0973941605549569 0.0189023987309939
occlusion 244 73.0942 -0.049080040699817 0.0159827305283948
occured 52 66.4158 0.0542608916788758 -0.0160851566887725
occurrence 2194 72.1208 -0.0933600109078409 0.0263709268700689
occurs 386 71.1234 0.109670902525801 0.0012071091704062
of 104 72.5013 0.401028349584436 0.0074699074444748
of this 92 69.6321 -0.165379111657312 -0.0063800550623121
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