Tonsil and adenoid, T61000, N=58413

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
forwarded 100 58.6303 0.235096287816809 0.0315518788589946
found 3652 44.5166 -0.0666297508621537 0.0296282409067221
fragment 247 55.2603 0.171727940695259 0.0395803308947797
fragment of 107 56.1811 0.0343364238461209 0.0278282584723768
fragmented 3143 49.3229 0.0934798573182177 0.0799161388303826
fragments 1294 51.7800 0.135400017953316 0.0673993329106131
frequent 1192 46.8724 -0.189941101702241 0.032150250012523
frequently 80 51.1567 0.471565908100354 0.0155247427361295
front 139 59.9118 0.591290766589434 0.0400815870762569
frozen section 857 59.7331 0.468787543437356 0.0991431835084253
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