Arteries of the head, neck and brain, T45000, N=37612

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
inclusive 63 69.8807 -0.328933585066499 -0.0043170490842696
inconspicuous 3007 70.5906 0.0808242150023946 -0.0113248806164808
increased 447 72.5987 0.0549768043205038 0.0165652743731426
individual 3427 72.8090 -0.0950837459593152 0.0541064392704384
infarction 53 72.8400 0.0065290363185864
infiltrate 662 73.5036 -0.119045800008589 0.0316458345973921
infiltrated 176 72.6402 -0.151920853379778 0.010625171464236
infiltration 2144 72.4133 -0.0925737872567931 0.0328355617837944
inflamed 89 72.9412 -0.211984110720526 0.00893000842127
inflammation 11841 71.3966 -0.0003984422606258 0.0255043441389334
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