Arteries of the head, neck and brain, T45000, N=37612

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
dxt 118 71.5544 -0.139979313083892 0.0029460046191658
dysplasia 51 66.6106 0.0454220042692284 -0.0152523541981072
e.g 129 71.1258 -0.0002571045491624 0.0007086725369815
each 85 69.3066 0.0521646490226602 -0.0075937511602386
easier 833 72.3329 0.0245113983973228 0.0189572411500357
easy degree 132 71.5764 -0.0931323173738031 0.0032398783091817
eccentric 53 69.8015 -0.185436116703775 -0.004239731915053
eccentric 142 70.8818 -0.0143926197263363 -0.000673404886341
edema 284 73.3710 -0.156718524244132 0.0195304011417826
edematous 122 74.0647 0.0103123672768445 0.0165069569172843
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