Blood vessel, T40000, N=61025

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Color by:
Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
before the meeting 169 59.7587 0.0617976825196256 -0.020619328152269
beginning 1768 57.2392 -0.0932861147186483 -0.0959033316254892
belonging 154 63.4607 -0.192354936756711 -0.0075640469688336
below 1049 64.0893 0.0014432045108306 -0.014479247448354
below 178 56.9389 0.584091083376117 -0.0310867025893354
benign 270 62.0768 -0.160791500512843 -0.0160282545539038
benign 250 62.1649 -0.126660054539015 -0.015053234123302
best 273 52.8069 0.453914382434569 -0.0565525925214054
better 128 58.2278 0.234935476209187 -0.022505532932232
beware of coloring 90 56.9514 -0.0644460229012974 -0.0220575652197917
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