Blood vessel, T40000, N=61025

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
basophilic 51 61.0386 0.606467780754744 -0.0089073510963907
bb 538 66.4055 -0.0948152630712329 0.0038890503270852
bc 163 66.6725 0.041085090549697 0.0030330710210747
be assessed 102 62.3697 -0.02115972875732 -0.0090582353852595
be considered 203 55.7078 0.159620024833116 -0.037832796463185
be decided 272 61.1933 0.015752902704766 -0.0199346987157163
be identified 286 61.3036 0.250545756632464 -0.019951008281099
be investigated 81 62.6133 -0.222514666343274 -0.0074927469611462
became 165 62.3133 -0.114303791171973 -0.0117179667007649
before 126 59.0363 0.173248420713349 -0.0199358477164324
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