Arteries of the head, neck and brain, T45000, N=37612

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
complete 222 71.3586 0.0770994867007065 0.0026232171882427
completely 52 72.4082 0.029613091400312 0.0049513954934956
completely 103 69.3425 0.0964246816494782 -0.0081838365429105
component 98 69.7740 0.201833264300067 -0.0059010753522076
comprehensive 260 70.2609 -0.109346530711538 -0.0058004769005117
concentric 1057 72.0346 0.0614337312885643 0.0166340935142554
conclusion 674 71.2920 0.0872402155489612 0.003749721691816
condition 104 70.2876 0.0912956001813769 -0.0035279748629854
conditional 303 73.0112 -0.036332554964083 0.017119376441918
conditional 73 73.1862 0.0407274829385061 0.0091053340526754
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