
Tissue PatoSnoMed code Total Num
Endocrine system T90000 195523
Endometrium T84000 1033319
Esophagus T62000 211166
Extrahepatic bile duct T58000 7426
Extremity artery T47000 1125
Fetus T89000 9414
Gall bladder T57000 182261
Glandula parathyroidea T97000 17636
Glandula thyroidea T96000 165952
Heart T32000 27055
Hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial system T05000 2737
Kidney T71000 85244
Late and late T17000 9546
led T12000 40550
Lip T52000 37300
Liver T56000 156057
lower extremity TY9000 45878
Lung T28000 177795
Lymphatic system T09000 2041
Lymph node T08000 588344
Mammary T04000 642043
Medulla oblongata TX7000 1404
Mitral valve T38000 1573
Mouth T51000 94556
Musculature of the truncus T14000 3273