
Tissue PatoSnoMed code Total Num
Uterus T82000 196632
Skeletal muscle T13000 19961
Lymphatic system T09000 2041
Pelvis TY6000 20432
Ureters T73000 20786
Tuba, ligament, parametrium and parovarian region T86000 209458
Esophagus T62000 211166
Appendix T66000 226044
Small intestine T64000 227830
Ear TXY000 24148
Skeletal System T10000 242284
Cerebellum TX6000 2503
Bladder T74000 250532
Endocardium T34000 2532
Pleura T29000 25499
Heart T32000 27055
Hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial system T05000 2737
Penis T76000 27528
Prostate and seminal vesicles T77000 291910
Sinus T22000 29415
Pancreas T59000 29881
Blood T0X000 318530
Bulbus oculi TXX000 32417
Musculature of the truncus T14000 3273
Pericardial fluid and pericardial cavity T3X000 3368