Arteries of the head, neck and brain, T45000, N=37612

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
abnormal 69 68.7861 -0.11107462748677 -0.0089455745506361
abnormal 236 71.9593 0.0405411321254838 0.007209036928888
abnormal 66 67.7279 0.155214321245811 -0.0129345381572778
abnormalities 91 67.2367 -0.123145709820249 -0.0174753610555967
abundant 78 67.6352 0.0798625168529922 -0.0144621959963213
accumulation 119 71.4505 0.0138863869334519 0.0024062063313987
accumulation 191 72.0191 -0.0014856985909621 0.0068841991839049
across 269 70.4048 0.0689470692593106 -0.0047483084208797
active 217 73.2022 0.126279064360251 0.0158437692171549
activity 200 70.4251 -0.182446160543195 -0.0039504505260396
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