Musculature of the truncus, T14000, N=3273

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
2b 69 30.8777 -0.710075994296745 -0.0972455068809016
abc 82 56.1170 0.65872183328272 0.0622755602852191
abnormal 979 36.3847 -0.705415523005953 -0.2830696087543563
abnormal 659 37.8166 -0.0803475200008062 -0.1876220171390997
abnormal 54 35.9730 -0.356639724447418 -0.0583427816190088
accumulation 257 36.8663 -0.297382752657501 -0.1206331968958681
activity 710 38.4498 -0.385291971831616 -0.1827947923198386
additional 230 52.7763 0.351009846897791 0.0685527057595258
adenocarcinoma 61 65.5654 1.04904825918393 0.1077639551270996
adipose tissue 623 53.5886 -0.157099413790593 0.1373060686578915
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