Kidney, T71000, N=85244

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
abnormalities 181 47.2221 -0.349655203154233 -0.0208582487201202
above 133 52.1436 -0.0426335646591538 -0.00742220509153
abscess 230 61.6165 -0.121719041539152 0.0167066468102112
abscess formation 192 60.8482 -0.0606088149839351 0.0132998394249884
abscesses 184 58.6706 -0.386357696498805 0.0075775562695228
absolutely 153 57.0584 0.203725149680471 0.0032355762610073
abundant 593 56.7282 -0.0189185727110962 0.0049012745072528
accented 243 47.6549 0.11398731036006 -0.0229336939632414
according to 315 53.6714 0.0232458664916213 -0.0064356627229071
according to 2216 52.7500 0.106749804182802 -0.0253512153046172
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