Mouth, T51000, N=94556

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
be measured 101 64.7521 1.11384853358452 0.0164737362208328
became 200 56.0972 -0.0669031539442225 0.0003769081586087
before 97 57.5963 -0.189985230192192 0.0030129999043919
before the meeting 151 56.6267 0.0740774661524788 0.0015398967862773
beginning 1018 58.2969 -0.0080054673482542 0.0139943275658235
behalf 72 43.3911 -0.573023600922677 -0.019858759502034
belonging 212 51.5835 -0.0316007453700139 -0.0118640860502002
below 4272 54.7288 -0.21405981265062 -0.0152643616250617
below 97 61.1601 0.527079443197136 0.0095524922166116
benign 959 55.4409 -0.19137583085857 -0.0029757183923805
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