Mouth, T51000, N=94556

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
basophilic 178 56.6672 0.16413468969719 0.0017728949439606
bb 381 54.4889 -0.450970973452347 -0.0053371667991058
bc 269 55.5119 -0.358002364073061 -0.0013530658224778
bcl 209 65.8068 0.163142293157669 0.0265536580065511
bcl2 91 65.1657 0.119403787620537 0.0163710975893606
bcl6 66 68.8475 0.717609245197018 0.0195122620302641
be assessed 248 60.1947 0.218452509916443 0.0124515277795446
be considered 299 57.1840 -0.133087587151508 0.0039661627807161
be decided 518 58.2593 -0.0731632365015992 0.0097959537940552
be identified 208 55.5225 0.142832289237981 -0.0011608734316876
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