lower extremity, TY9000, N=45878

Choose coordinates:
Color by:
Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
be considered 193 47.9180 0.0415807854671902 -0.0052852505584051
be decided 210 49.5102 0.207778047520861 0.0001359180387341
be identified 170 50.5683 0.158226504052505 0.0034992201373342
became 99 48.5498 -0.0004597345948072 -0.0022441070133938
before 93 48.3814 -0.113688205049817 -0.0025718633561483
before the meeting 100 49.2995 0.351325451736393 -0.0004215427289057
beginning 684 48.0806 -0.100520434027119 -0.0089573171253053
behalf 202 47.1872 -0.923434622758552 -0.0079510514943043
belonging 67 47.9539 0.701873290609365 -0.003037884272734
below 1020 49.4009 0.173126021732067 -0.0005606180070485
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