Pleura, T29000, N=25499

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
be decided 328 66.1257 0.132128158544079 0.0202408539240825
be identified 141 63.7035 0.0931247391592175 0.0004514726841579
be investigated 134 66.9912 0.633907069794392 0.0173351791241355
became 220 65.1814 0.201423466299851 0.0103126915112563
before 101 66.3124 -0.0138662352742522 0.0120140386223209
before the meeting 179 62.5200 0.12235517354269 -0.006526473549023
beginning 577 62.4871 -0.393284832301806 -0.0121643004283797
belonging 118 67.2582 0.53923260015553 0.0175495830429842
below 690 61.1225 -0.304760563192276 -0.0294229244903065
below 62 67.2240 0.471858139528423 0.0125875924035786
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