Musculature of the truncus, T14000, N=3273

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Term ↑ Term Count Mean Age Cox Coef Pearson (r)
epithelial 51 64.2734 1.4580901877291 0.0916131541657113
epithelial 52 58.8802 0.725573516977319 0.0639824472386946
especially 232 46.5307 -0.281363710903264 -0.0029709142875215
estrogen receptor 91 62.9797 0.389568040786371 0.1140307442386172
etc 276 53.9133 -0.0311289064942281 0.0900407040135688
examination 245 49.4644 0.52389203470424 0.031693651838811
examines 193 41.9648 -0.523915454205101 -0.0502936444396988
exceeds 137 39.1189 -0.327039451671947 -0.0667663943895877
exclusively 65 56.9359 0.162129283666255 0.0601528874649206
exist 685 47.8783 0.0671111728226437 0.0233405294144813
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