
Tissue PatoSnoMed code Total Num
ventricle T63000 492121
Vein T48000 5858
Vagina T81000 53592
Uterus T82000 196632
Urethra T75000 36954
Ureters T73000 20786
Upper extremity TY8000 77895
Tuba, ligament, parametrium and parovarian region T86000 209458
Truncus TY1000 50691
Trachea T25000 12175
Tooth and periodontium T54000 51663
Tonsil and adenoid T61000 58413
Tongue T53000 45136
Thymus T98000 4051
Thoracic and abdominal arteries T46000 1577
The Ingue TY7000 11771
Testis T78000 52505
Subcutis T03000 137073
spleen T07000 14193
Spinal nerve TX9000 4765
Soft tissue T1X000 76942
Small intestine T64000 227830
Skin T01000 1422302
Skeletal System T10000 242284
Skeletal muscle T13000 19961