
Tissue PatoSnoMed code Total Num
Myometrium T85000 96736
Nasopharynx T23000 11609
Nervous System TX0000 183729
Nose T21000 103522
Ovary T87000 159303
Pancreas T59000 29881
Pelvis TY6000 20432
Penis T76000 27528
Pericardial fluid and pericardial cavity T3X000 3368
Pericardium T31000 1950
Pituitary T91000 3698
Placenta, amniotic membrane and umbilical cord T88000 67042
Pleura T29000 25499
Prostate and seminal vesicles T77000 291910
Pulmonary artery T44000 974
Rectum T68000 465674
renal pelvis T72000 9025
Respiratory system T20000 943207
Rhinopharynx T23000 11609
salivary gland T55000 75440
Sinus T22000 29415
Skeletal muscle T13000 19961
Skeletal System T10000 242284
Skin T01000 1422302
Small intestine T64000 227830